In this workshop we will learn how to summarize. This is an important skill for you to learn and know how to do.
Please comment on this posting by using ONE of our target words in a FULL, COMPLETE sentence...
Also, you can check out this link... http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20041215/Feature1.asp
I am also exsided to be learning about crime lab science.It is an exiting thing to be learning about.
Jasmine Marmolejo
I like when the show frist 48hours gather evidence to find the killer who commited the crime.
Chirstian P.
when a killer kills a person the crime scene investigater (C.S.I) must get their evedence within the first 48 hour before the evendence disappaers and the killer gets away.
-sabrina !!!
Evidence is information and facts that help prove something like a crime.The evidence can also prove the suspect is guilty.
Evidence is information and facts that help prove something like a crime.The evidence can also prove the suspect is guilty.
I have a good technique to stop a fast hard grounder in baseball. You get one knee and face side ways and it won't get past you.Well thats my technique. jacob r.
When the C.S.I is workimg on a crime they should always gather the right evidenceto catch the killer.
♣Jasmine ♣
The doctors have a special technique to do heart surgery.
I have a good technique of killing people on my xbox 360
I have a good technique of killing people on my xbox 360.
ricky s.
I have a good technique of killing people on my xbox 360.
ricky s.
The doctors have a technique to show how a person sick or a heart serjurie.
Nazar Dagdevirian
The doctor came up with a new technique for heart surgery.
I can't wait to evidence some deid body or evidence my cousin room to make sure that she didn't or did took my neckless or I'm going to evidence this workshop becuse is going to be so much fun!!!!!<3
-Maria Corona
<3 <3 <3 <3
i dont undersatnd how to analysis this one workshop becouse it jars for me to see needles and nives i go crazy so when i see that suff so now to analysis this stuff and have to work with it its going to be hard for me -nicole-:)
The scientist had found evidences that tells that the person is guilty.
When I was at the dentis he had to extract two of my teeth.
From:Teddy S.
My target word is technique: The crime lab use a techinque to find the crimials.
When I went to Clear Creak my freiends had to"Extract" me from gettimg in a fight. Mercedie Ceniceros
kevin h.I uesd my techniqu to tie my shoe.Also use my techniqu to play a game.
I think we will have a great time in this workshop.It is going to be cool because the scientists analysis the evidence the cules to find the criminals. Ruth
I think workshop 4 will be a good one. It think all the evidence will be found in a matter of hours!
People who solve crimes is very important because if some one gets killed or murdered you have to find clues.In order to find the susspect.
The Technique for investigators is too analize what happened during the time of the crime in order for them to solve the problem.By the way that was a good video.It dosn't suck like you said it did.
Heder Antonio Marvin Hernandez Garcia J.r III
I found evendence of some one cheated on a test.
I am so exicted to learn about how crime scences are sloved. Crime scences are cool to slove because you get to find out what happened and who killed who. But it wouldn't be nice if one of your family members dieded.
In basketball you have to have a technique in order to make a basket.
By: Sam Duzaryan
I have a special technique of eatting my soup.And i am excited about learing about crime lab science
I think its cool when the police find evidence from a crime scene. cause they could have a better way to findg the criminal
The evidence was that there was bullets on the floor and blood.
Brian S.
I think thats it importnat to find a crime because sometimes its not good if the evidence washed away and plus you have within 48 hours to slove the crime by the rain or water then you won't be able to catch the killer.
In yhe first 48 hours they had alot of new technique that could could solve the crime.
I am precise to play soccer.alexmo.
I am happy about this new unit. I like to lean about crime lab to see what they do.
I am so excited about this workshop since it talks about crimes and the police have 48 hours to find at least some information about the criminal.
Crime lab science, is the thing that i like to find out who killed this innocent person and see them in jail for life.
Hello, iam so exside to be learning about crime lab science.It a good thing to be learning that way you get to know moree thing.
I am also excited to be starting this knew work shop. I also see this show called snapp. Yahaira
I am very precise on how I clean my room.
The doctors have a special technique to do heart surgery or help people that are sick.
Im amazed how they do all these things to solve crimes.Is so creepy how they could get tiny evedence to see who did the crime.Some times its so cool how they use there tools to solve crimes. Alexander Mendoza
I'm realy amazed how they could find alot of evadence that just don't add up sometimes .I interestded how they could catch the bad guys.It's so cool and exciting and i'm realy looking forword to this work shop.Also i think the most fun was the c.s.i because its shows alot of things that could happen. from Alexander Mendoza
I like to learn about crimes but then I kind of don't because there's too many deaths! I also hate seeing Autopsy's. But I guess it will be fun learning about actual events.
Also the New York Giants won the Super Bowl !!! Take that New England!
Doctors have things to catch people in crimes . jack.t
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