Tell me (in two complete sentences) about a time when you were treated unfairly. Remember, it can be an incident that happened here at school, at your home, in your neighborhood, or with one of your friends.
This blog has been created to open up the lines of communication between all Read 180 students at Robert Frost Middle School.
The time that I was mis treated is in my house. The reason is because I am a girl. My brothers and my dad think that just because I am a girl that I have to do all the house work.
When my friend jacob and I were playing with airsoft gun and i dodged it.It my neighbors car and the window broke so I had to take the blame I even got grounded.
jacob r.
Ok a time when i was treated unfrair was at school last year. It was for a class and i keeped on getting a C in the class but i tried so hard in the class and that teach keeped on giving me that C. At the end of the year i thought that I would get a B because i tried harder but i dint and i got a C again. Thats a time when i was treated unfair.
Sabrina M.
Ok a time that i was treated unfairly was at my friends house .It all started when my friend Breanna that (hearedtaht I was talking about her even though that was not true she got mad at me. In the end my friend Collette told Breanna that she was telling her a lie .
♥ Jasmine
one time my friend said bad things about me because someone told her that I said bad things about me.I didn't said that about her they didn't talk to me for two weeks
and said bad things about
me.nancy vivar
I got miss treated at school because there was a fight at school.The police officer and the dean thought I was the one that started it.
by ernesto.
I was treated unfairly when my brother Andrew stolded $100 dollors for my mom's purse. And my mom thought it was me.
I was treated unfairly at home is because my cousin tiffany always blame everything on me.her dad beleave that I hit her on her leg an I said no I didn't soo tiffany came up to me and she kick me right on my leg and I'm still treated un fairly when she around.
-Maria Corona
I was treated unfairly when my family and me had to take care of a baby called Mia. I was blamed for no reason because mia was sick and she would always cry when she felt sick.
These one I was treated unfairly when I was at school.My friend came up to me saying that I was talking behind her back.It was not me,"I told her"but she did not listen and started to ignore me.
I was treated unfairly in PE we were playing a football game.We losT and my team blamed it on me because I am short. -Kevin F.
when my brother punched a hole in a wall he blaimed it on me I got grounded for a week.
zach h.
Once me and my fried were skating at a store. Then a police man came and leald at us and said we can't skate here so we lft.But the next day we say other skaters there and the police man didn't do anything. from Teddy S.
Well this happened at school yesterday.My friend and i got in to a fight because she thought that i was trying to make people look at her in a wrong way,but it wasn't me it was her step sister. So i felt bad mistreated because i got blamed for something that i didn't do,and now my friend and i are not talking ~always Mercedie Ceniceros~:)
The time that I was mistreated was when I at home. I was fighting with my sister about who should have computer time. My sister took the keyboard and dropped it on the floor. I wasn't able to use the computer then. -Fabian
There was once I was treated unfarily.It was when I was going to the moves with my brother.We got to the moves and he said that I had to pay for both of us.I told him no so then he told me that we have to go home then so I payed for bothof us.I told my mom and she told my brother that he has to pay me back.
-Kevin H.-
Once time my cousen broke the tv i got blame for i.My anut told me that i shoulde ashame of my self i just let it go put next time my cousen should tell the truth that was one of thet time i got blame for someting i didn't do and be blame for it
kasandra ortiz- lopez
It started when me and my little brother were playing outside.Then our next door neighbor was telling us why we were playing in their sidewalk.Me and my brother were telling our neighbor we are only playing.But they did'nt listen to us,so our neighbor was going to tell our parents we were only playing in the sidewalk. -Ruth
Well their is a time when I were to be treated unfair at my house. Is was at home when we were started to go to bed and Julian thought I pushed him and knocked Ivan on the toys. So my thought I did it cause Julian blamed it on me. But I didn't get busted yet cause Ivan told what happen so Julian got busted. From, Maro Jarquin
The time that I was treated unfairly was when I was walking with my friends and a religious guy said ''Why did you guys write on my stop sign!''. But weeks later the guy found out it wasn't us.
Heder Hernandez
There was this one time that me and my cousins went to Pismo beach.We were riding the ATVS and they I couldn't ride it because it was too small to ride one.
There was a time when I was treated unfaily.When my little siter jazelle just started hitting me.I had just said someone likes feplie and she got mad.They blame me for her hitting me.They ask me why did you hit her.I told them they just don't trust me anaymore!
There was this time when my mom yelled at because she thought that I hit my sister but it wasn't me that hit her.
I remeber one time when my sister turned off my ps3. I got so mad at her I didn't even save the game I was playing. I had barley one the superball. Now i had to start all over again. I went to ask her if is she turned it off. She said "I didn't". I got so mad at her because i knew she was lieing. My mom thought that maybe thought she turned it off by mistake. But she was wrong. Finally my sister told my mom she turned it off and my mom got mad at her.
There was a time. When me and my friend were fighting with this kid and my friend got in trouble. But not me. The teacher treated my friend unfairly.
FROM: ANDY!!!!!!!!
The time that I was treated unfairly because my sister blams everything on me.Once I was blamed because my sister broke a lamp and blamed it on me.
There is a time when me and brother and my sister. Where in my house when i told my brother to do his homework.Then my sister stopped doing her homework and told her to do her homework.
-Josh Sancianco
Another time when I was treated unfairy was a year ago when I was watching the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox play. That day I was so happy because to me that's like the World's greatest rivalry. So i go to Hollywood Video to buy popcorn for the game. So when i got back both the Televisions were taken! So im all like ''Why the Hell did you guys take away the T.V from me when i told you guys I was going to watch the game! But like my mom was watching her Spanish novelas and my little sister was watching cartoons in Disney Channel. Later in the day the stuff they were watching finished so it was my turn to watch T.V so I go to ESPN and the game is down to the 6th inning. Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter had already hit homeruns in the 2nd inning! But the Yankees beat the Red Sox 10-4
Heder Hernandez
Extra Credit ?
Once me and my cusan Bran.We were skating outside.My little brother came outside.Byran hit him on accident.But I blamed for it.
I was treated unfairly when my sis ter broke my mom's favorite vase. Then she blamed it one me and i got in troulbe for it i got grounded for two week.
Melissa Pena
some kids in elementary school were misbehaving for the substitute teacher and the whole class was punished. -Cosette
Hey this is Kent! In my neighborhood my friend was riding his scooter on the sidewalk and the person that lived there thought I was riding on his property.
A time when a was treated unfairly when my ex friends accused me of tslking about them.Wheen i really was'nt.
I got treated unfairly when my sister broke my mom's favorite vase.Then she blamed it on me i got grounded for two weeks.
Melissa Pena
There was a time that I was treated unfairly when my little brother fell and my mom blamed me.
One time when my family wer going to watch a movie in an hour,we went to Target and so,I go to the electronics area and started reading those game books and sitting on the floor.The lady at the counter told me to move out of the way and my parents were looking for me.I got trouble for no reason and tried explaining it. T_T Brian S.
I remember when I was treated unfairly in a store.I was accused that I stolled a soda.But I did not steal the soda I bot it.Then they cought the guy that stolled the soda but they never said sorry. Alex mo.
there was another time when my dad ruined christmas to me.He was getting mad at me for no reason and put me in tears. Brian S.
Hey Mrs.Fitz! I don't like how Ms.Crotwell gives me too much hard work. -Aaron B.
One day my mom was mad at me because I didnt lisent to her when she told me to clean my room.I got in trouble for that and she didnt let me go to the mall when I wanted to go with my friends.
One time this guy push me and he told the teacher that I push him. Then I saw him push a other guy. He got I told and he got troble.
Aaron.A :)
one thay my mom got mad at me for not cleaning my room so i got in trouble and she didnt let me go to the movies with my friends
♥rebecca pleitez♥
It all started with my mom.I was mistreated when it was New Years.I had to babysit my brother until my mom finishes with the tamales. She only paid me $15.00 for the whole day.I told her more than $15.00 but she didn't want to. She said "if you don't take care of him then you can't go outside" so I said "ok I'll do it".
A time when I as treated unfairly was when I was at home and my mom wanted me to do the dishes with my cousin. We were washing the dishes and my cousin dropped a bowl. My mom ran to the kitchen and said "what happen?" My cousin said that I dropped a bowl. My mom started to yell at me for no reason because I didn't do anything. So I was grounded for a month.
I was mistreated by my mom because my sister took five dollars and I got blamed for it. I got in trouble and grounded for a week even when I didn't do it. Then my sister comes up to my mom and says I took the five dollars. Then my mom tells me that I'm not grounded and left and did care how I felt. I felt bad because I am alway the first person she blames everytime something that was taken or lost.
- Sarah Gonzalez
It all started when I was riding my bike and then theirs a hill on my block and then I went up and down then some lady came to me and told me to stop riding my bike or else she was going to call the cops. mario
My friend and I were doing a science fair project. An she toke all the creaded. -Yahaira
It started when my sister and I
got home we started to play inside the house and then I heard something break. It was my sister and she blamed me and she called my mom and told her a lie about her favorite vase and my mom told me that I was grounded for two weeks. -Steven
One time my friends and I where in my neighborhood riding our wave boards around on the sidewalks at nine o clock and got held at from one of the drivers yellig at us saying,IT'S LATE, GO BACK TO YOUR HOUSE!Then my mom saw us get yelld at me and I got grounded for the rest of the month. -Alex Mendoza
I was with my friend, he thought I stole his XBox game. It was actually his sister who took it. She blamed it on me because she hates me and was trying to get him to hate me too! -Ryan
it was thi one time i was freated unfairly was when one day i was all comtibul on the couch and all of a suden my brother pushes me off of and said wheres my phine and we saated arging and then in the end my mom toook it for it could charege -nicole b
There was a time I got in trouble for something I didn't do.Me and my brother were playing with are video games my brother got bored and went to go get hammer.I told to put it away he got mad and threw it at the door told me that I did it and it got in trouble. christian p.
The time that I was mistreated was at school. In health class Mrs. kidwell gave me a zero homework.she gave me a zero because she didnt find my homework.
hey need to tell you same thing need your help on a project can you please help me.
kevin frias
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