This new year is going to be better for me because my new resolution is that I'm going to get better grades that i can arcoss that stage and feel better!! Love, Maria Corona
Happy Late New Years Mrs.Fitzgerald !. This Year im looking foward to Graduating on stage. Also, im hoping that in my next report card i get only one F because my report card would look to clean if i have zero F's.
woot another great year for a RFMS student
I hope that your new year is as great or beter than the last one !!
<333 Jasmine m
This new year is going to be better for me because my new resolution is that I'm going to get better grades that i can arcoss that stage and feel better!!
Maria Corona
Happy New Years.2008! It finally here I can't wait to walk across that stage when they say me name!! class of 2008!! =)
i am looking forward to walking across stage this year.
Happy Late New Years Mrs.Fitzgerald !. This Year im looking foward to Graduating on stage. Also, im hoping that in my next report card i get only one F because my report card would look to clean if i have zero F's.
Heder Antonio Marvin X Hernandez Garcia J.r
This is going to be a great year Ms.fitzgerald and happy new year!!!
I also hope the best for this year.I hope for my grades to get better. -Yahaira
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