We have read the second story in workshop 4. It is about the murder of Bob Dorotik. Below I attached some links to a couple of websites that talk in detail about the murder and the investigation and trial that occurred after. Check them out and let me know who you think is guilty. Is Jane really the murderer?
Yes I think that June reallydid kill Bob. I think that she killed him and then asked one of her friends to help her carry him out of the hoesa.She also asked him or her ot help her take him to the jogging spot.She did that to through the dictives out track.
♥♥ Jasmine Marmolejo ♥♥
Yes because she said that he eat meant on feb.12 so he won't be alive and Jane had the clothes of Bob an no one eles did so she got arreated for killing her husband Bob!!!!!!!
-Maria Corona
i think jane bobs wife kiled him i now she went and was posted giltie but i think she is the person how killed bod she was the only person who had axess to his closes and the person how new what time he when for a jog and she lied to the poice telling then that she saw hinm that same afternoon but he was dead the day befor i think thats enght to but her behind bars ow is mad ba want her -nicole-: )
I feel bad that BOB DOROTIK got murder by his own wife
I like this work shop I think that the daughter killed him.Because I think she made up that she was at het aunts house.And her aunt is taking her back!
♥ stephanie♥
:] ;} =*]
I think janes daughter claire who killed bob dorotik. Jack
I think it could be there daughter.
Brian S.
I think Jane really killed Bob because why would someone kill Bob of a day before valentines. She probably wanted to be with some one else.
I think it was sad that Jane killed her own husban and tried to cover it up by putting running clothe on him so it could seem like he got killed running
I really think it was messed up how jane killed her husbsn and she tried to cover it up with running clothes to make it seem like he got killed running.
Angel Alexander
I am going to write 3 paragraghs about Bob Dorotik's death. I think that jane were to kill Bob because he were to do something bad to his wife Jane. By Maro jarquin
Yes I think that Jane killed her husband Bob because maybe Jane had another man in Jane life and she didn't wanted Bob to find out that she likes another guy.So,Jane was planning to kill Bob after dinner.Then,Jane will get his jogging thing then she put on the shirt and short on his body.Then,Jane put the die body of Bob in his jogging path.Then she calls missing report. -Ruth
I don't know who killed Bob Doroyik but i would say it was Jane and Clair.Maybe it was them.It's a mistery. O.o -Cosette O.
This is a great site. I am a teacher in the Bay Area and we are currently writing our summarizing paragraphs for the workshop and this has inspired me to creat a blog page as well. I just need someone to teach me how.
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