Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Giver

Learn about this man with an incredible memory! His memory capacity is similar to that of 'The Giver' in our current novel.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool that you could remember mostly every thing like everyday i wish i had that because i could remember mostly every thing in my life and the people who have that are lucky!!!!!
-Maria C.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Fitzgerald how do people remember stuff from that longago. I can only remember what happened yesterday which was nothing!

Anonymous said...

wow Mrs.Fitzgerald that is so weird but at the same time i would want to do that

arthur c.

Anonymous said...

I think that the giver is preaty cool guy because he could remember everthing he has ever done and shares them.

Teddy Stevens

Anonymous said...

Wow Mrs.Fitzgerald.This is so cool that this guy can remember things from long ago.I wish that I could do that.I can remember things but not every little detail like him.DO you think that this is a deaise?


Anonymous said...

Thats cool what the guy could do, its like he has powers.I would be happy to remember stuff for a long time accept the bad stuff i did.

jacob r.

Anonymous said...

that would be pretty cool if you could remember all the things that happend in your life but what would suck is that you could remember all the sad things that happend in your life....but that would still be cool..


Anonymous said...

Wow Mrs.Fitzgerald that a pretty rare talent. I so wish I had that talent because it is really cool and awesome that some one can remember so much and have such good detal of the memory. Well anyways I geuss this talent would be a great one to have. BYE !!! :) :)

-Sabrina ♥

Anonymous said...

That is really cool that you could remember things that you did in past.I wish that i could remember about my life.♥♥


Anonymous said...