I read an article in the Los Angeles Times today. It was about a kid who will be sailing around the world. He will begin his journey right here in Southern California. Below is a link to his website and his blog. We can talk to him before his trip and once he leaves. If he is successful, he will be the youngest person to sail around the world solo.
I think that this a very cool story he is geting to fullfil his dreams.☺
well I think it is very cool to try to sail around the world but not only to be the youngest person to do this but to be all by his self is a very brave thing to do. I hope he have a very safe and succesful trip and the best of luck.
-sabrina ☻
It would be cool as a young person to sail around the blue waters.JACK TOMASSIAN
Thats awesome that he is accomplishing his dream but very dangerous to go around the world in a boat on the sea. Im not a fan going in the ocean in a boat.
jacob r. ◘♣
I think thats cool that he is going to go around the world i would think that would be a very fun tip.
this guy is crazy ,I can't live one day with out fast food
I think it will be cool because he will be the first one to sail around the world by himself.
I think that it would be very exciting for him to go around the sea. He will discover a lot of things, he will aslo need to learn how to take care of himself. This is very dangerous but a skilled guy like Zac..:]
It's kind of cool for a teenager to go alone around the world. X) Cosette O.
HI Mrs.FItz! Just to tell you that i sent a messages to zac ask what his modivaton w3as to go on his trip! he is so brave! i wish him luck! *)
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