I guess I should say 'Field Trip'! We are FINALLY going to take our annual Read 180 field trip. We will attend a showing of the new Disney movie "College Road Trip" at El Capitan Theater in Hollywood. The date of our big adventure is Wednesday, March 26. It is the week we return to school from Spring Break. I am asking that each student donate money to help us cover the ticket cost and our lunch cost. The bus is already taken care of. The donation amount requested is $15. This will cover the ticket, a hot dog, popcorn, candy and a drink. This is going to be such a fun activity and a memorable experience. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
This field trip ties into the California State University 'How To Get To College' initiative. This is a big focus for our 7th & 8th grade students. Please look at the link I have set up below. It takes you to the official "How To Get To College" website.
hollywood!!!Let me pack my bags!!!!!!!! Brian S.
i hope the movie is realy funny and that we do get to go because we're not going to be at school YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope the movie is realy funny and that we do get to go because we're not going to be at school YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
☻YES!!☻ We are going. I have a qusetion can we bring cameras or ipods? I am so Exditied.♥
It think it cool that we going to go to that movie thearter becouse i've never bin to el capitan and it cool that we going as a class.I also like that we get to miss school but ya im going to bring my money and i can't what for the movie becouse i hear it funnie i like scary but its ok ill still go. :)nicole:)
Yes finally i get to go see that movie. i will have a ball!!!
Angel alexander
Will I am glad that the Principal let's us go to College Road Trip It will be fun.
Diana Alvarez
I can't wait to go to the field trip with the class.
We are going to have fun!!!
Dear Mrs. Fitzgarld I think this field trip will be very fun I can't wait.
From : Teddy Stevens
The college that i whant to go is Stanford Universty becuase i whent there with my family and it is a good shcool to go to alo it has chemistry lab and that is what i whant to be when i grow up.
Kevin H.
I think this wiil be a good field trip because it makes how to get to collage faster.
Fabian Hernandez
Daer Mrs.Fitzgarld this field trip is going to be so exciting for us. I wish time went faster just to see the movie the College Road Trip.
Dear Mrs. fiztisterald
I like the idea of you takeing us to see a moive for a feild trip you are the cooliest I ever meet and also I like the way you care of us Iwiil try to bring extra money for how can't affort the ticket's.
I can't wait to go to the field trip to see the movie "College Road Trip".I see in the t.v some part of the movie that are funny to see.Like there is funny is like they drive a golf chart at the college,they go up a plane a skydive to the college that what I saw on t.v. -Ruth
Ya i can't intil we go im so excited.Never been to that threater.
JAcob r.
I feel great that we are going on a field trip to El capitan theater to see college road trip.That will be cool because we could about different colleges.This is going to be awsome.
I'm happy that we are going to see college road trip at El capitan theater.I can wait I am going to have a lot of fun
Oh my gosh i am so happy that we are taking a field trip. And not a boring field trip but a fun on. I am so exited the go to the EL Capitain movie thearer. Anyways hope to have a great time. Talk to you later. Bye !!!
-love sabrina ♥☺♥☺♥
I think the FIELD TRIP we will be going is going to be fun. I will try to donate some money.
Im happy that where going to go see the movie College Road Trip at the El Capitan Theater!
Hollywood! YES I hope the movie is really funny even though ive seen the commercials on T.V
Well,Collage is a big thing. So you have to study ALOT to get in to Collage.I like the pig =). Brian S.
I want to go to hollywood and watch the movie road trip. Jack
I will probably go to UCLA not the Un. of Spoiled CHildren.Hehe,got that from Ms. Crotwell. The guy who commented first of this section,Brian S.
hollywood!!! I hope I see some one famos AaronA. :)
I can't wait to go I don't know what collages there are so i might find which one to go to.
Sarah G. =~)
Yes I'm glad that were going to the movies with the class. Well I've been to the El Capitan Theater and its so cool and sometimes after the movie they have a like a special thing behind the theater and it's really cool I can't wait.
Alsome were going to the [ El Capital ]. I haven't been there in a long time. I am pretty sure I'll still remember how it is in the inside. I'm glade were going to go see the movie College Road Trip.
~ Yahaira B. ~
Yes, I'm realy happy to go to the nices place in hollywood.I am realy excited to go and see colleg rode trip it will be a real fun trip Alexander mendoza
Hollywood!Yes we get to go see a movie for shcool how cool!I hope my teachers let me go! ♥
Hollywood!!!!That sounds rilly fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope i could go becuzz my dad won't let me. If i do go i hope it will be fun.
from ANDY CORNEJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not wait until we go to the moives. During school!!!!! By: Sam the man
I think this movie will be ok because im not really used to watching rated G movies im used to watching PG-13 OR R but I think it wil be ok.
Hollywood is the coolest place I've been to that theater called the el capitain theater is the the biggest and the nicest theater then live performence after the movie starts.
-Josh Sancianco
Dear Mrs.Fitzgerald, I think the movie might be so fuuny and I never seen it.But I get to go on a feild trip to watch College Road Trip.I can't wait to watch it
♥Aaron Buado
I think this TRIP is going to be the best and i would like to go because i have never gone to el capitan in hollywood it will be fun ms.fitzgerald
I have never been to the ''El Capitan'' Movie Theater and I hope that it's going to be fun. I also know that the movie will be extiting because its going to be based on Collages and I know alot of Collages like Georgetown, North Carolin, N.C State, Villanova, Ohio Sate, Missisippi, Tennesee, Louisville, Kentucky, Duke, Drake, UCLA, Texas Tech, Florida, Miami, Arkansas, Memphis, Vanderbilt, UNLV, Princeton, Harvard,and on and on and on.But its all about the Georgetown Hoyas ranked 9th in the Nation for Basketball !!!
Heder The Great.
I want to goto Vetura collage and have a road trip around all my farvorite places like Mr. buckley.
zach H.
I ehjoyed the movie and hollywood. Sezgin
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