Wow! There are a ton of websites out there that teach and talk about deep sea exploration. Here are links to the top 3 that I found. Check them out!
This blog has been created to open up the lines of communication between all Read 180 students at Robert Frost Middle School.
This website are cool Mrs.Fits
but i'm going to miss you next year but i'm not going here next year and this is my last year with you.It was the best year ever Mrs.Fits i will blog to you sometimes when i go to high school well take care!!!!!!
-Maria C.
I checked out the websites mrs.fitzgerald. But i am going to miss you mrs.fitzgerald when you leave from robert frost. Well by the way your the best teacher ever!!!!!!
this website is very cool because of the creatures of the deep especially the new creatures that
are coming up in 2010 but next year i hope to see you again.
I think creatures who live deep under the water are very cool. They do not have to get energy from the sun light. Instead they get it from chemicals under water. They are very different from people. Humans will die without sunlight. Sun gives us energy where some fish get there energy from chemicals under water...... =]
SD Sam Duzaryan =] ;']
I think fishes are scary and ugly but when i go fishing in a boat i dont kill the fishes because then I would feel bad for them. Also I think that there are way more fishes under water that they haven't found because there like Nessi that one long neck fish dinosour like thing. Maybe theres even humans down there that we have never seen.
-Heder Hernandez Jr.
The Great.
Creatures who live in the deep are very cool . some fishes live up and some fishes live in the deep.JACK TOMASSIAN
This is just what I saw at the ocrarean. I went to the ocrarean on wed.it was so much fun we got to see alot of different kinds of animals there it was fun.♥
(it would have had been much more fun with you their.)
-Jasmine m
i'll miss you soooo much its going to be boring here with out you. ☻
this is cool i saw alot of wierd fish like this in the acouriam of the pacific.....
[True Story]...
I would like to learn about sharks even more. jack
I miss you Mrs. Fits.Brian S.
I remembered the Blog without a photo memory.=) once again Brian S.
Hi Mrs.Fitzgerald hope that you have a good time over at Las Vegas. Oh and im not going to Kennedy sadly because they didint accept me so im going to Sylmar High School [Ghetto] but its ok because im in the Baseball team already.
Well hope you do good and we will miss you.
Heder Hernandez Jr.
hey it me kevin just went to said i miss you
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