As we launch our new workshop I want you to think carefully about all of the ways that you use and abuse technology in your daily life. What is something you can do to utilize technology better? What is something that you can do to utilize technology more safely? Please comment on this post by answering these two questions in two full complete sentences.
I think i wont abuse technology by doing other stuff like hobbies.Technology isn't important to me.But i think using computers is good but not for abuse.
Angel alexander
Kevin F.: I can go out and play a sport like soccer.
I think something that i can do to help me not to abuse technology is to time myself. I can be on the computer for 15 min. and on the phone for 10. I think that, that will help me not to abuse technology.
i use a statener every bay i cant live without it and i also us my phone all the time when i get it taking away i get so mad but ya i am hoocked to this things but one way i could use thim better is not use them so much and all that
I most use my ipod to hear music.I have a cellphone and computer but I dont use those a lot.
Diana A.
I think one way you can make technology more safe is by not giving you info. to strangers like on IM, Myspace or EMail. ANd on Myspace don't add people you don't know!! Myspace is to talk to friend not to get kidnapped. And not to go on websites that your not so post to go on.
Something that I could do to abuse technogy I would read alot of books.
You could make technolgy more safe by not going on it often.
To make technology better is by stop using your cellphone to much & computure too just use them for homework or emgercy only and turn off your cellphone an iPods when your in class.To make it safe don't answer calls when it's private or that you don't know that number don't pick up and your mom should be checking your cellphone and computure the people your talking to in the phone an not with stranger.
-Maria Corona<3
♠It is just every day I use my cell phone for calling , texting , music ,and the internet. But what I use more than that is .... T.V., the computer. I admit it is a very big problem because,peer presure is a lot more effective with no one around to help you say "no" to everything else on the internet. there is so much new technoligy that I love like plasma flat screen T.V.'s and HDTV gaming systems because of great quality and clearness.♠
-zach h.
happy b-day
When I'm on the computer I can not use my real name and last name. So people wont now it's me.
From:Teddy S.
they think that they should ban cell phones because they don't focus in class. And also computers.
Fabian Hernandez
I think that cause it help us contact each other from different places. Also lets surf the web in any website in the world.
You wouldn't use the technology like the computer,cell phone,and ipods.I wouldn't use my computer to do like go to my space or see the e-mails,and I wouldn't use my cell phone. -Ruth
I know this is the best techology
right now.making techology more safe in the future is keeping bad people doing bad things in the intrnet. nancy
one way to make technology is computers.The reason why is because they really fast on something your doing and its harder for you to get viruses
christin perez :(
I know those are the best technology in the world.I think this workshop is going to be interesting because lots of kids are using technology.
jacob r.
I know this is the best technology Right now because this is the frist phone that came out from Apple.Making techology more safe by getting virous.
One way to use technology is by computer,cell phone,ipod.
Nazar Dagdevirian
I can not live with out technology.
jack tomassian
Instead of using technology every 10 or 5 minutes I can and other people could go out and do sports or ride their bike instead of abusing technology.
(♥Melissa Pena♥) :)
I will not abuse technology.I will do homework.Brian S.
What I can do is just go on them for 10 or 20 minutes.Then I can go outside and play a sport.You can make it batter is by not going on it to much. Alex Mo.
We should not abuse technolgy. We should go out and play sports.We should be on myspace for less then .
I don't use the phone or the computer that much only i listen to my ipod if i'm bored.
I love to txt my friend it is fun
I think I can use technology better by how people can just make emergency calls and not talk to there friends for fun. You can utilize technology safer by blocking all of the things that we shouldn't use or see and just use the thing that we should use.
A way I could utilize techology is to use it for important things like if you were lost and you need to contact someone for help.
steven:i say use our technology better and here's an example use you're cellphone for an emergency only,don't abuse it.I use my phone wisely and my computer.
I will go out an play or I'll use my technology better. An I'll just use my ipod or my PSP. I don't really use my computer anyways.
Shay: you should use your electronics properly and use it only wen u need to and not show people that you have it. you can also pick times you are going to use your electronics like 20 minits each day and limit your self from using tour electronics....
Technology can help people by for people are lost they can call for help and peole where a crime was comittied. And in school like if a fire happened we can call 911 for help. AaronA ;)
I think that the technology that we have today is good. The way that technology we be the best if there would be no viruses on the internet.
WHAT I will do is put a pop-up blocker and use technology alot more safer.
todd galstanian
what i will use is put a virus program on my computer
I think I could use my phone to call the cops if there is a emergency and I could chase them down with a car. That is how I could ues technology better.
from ANDYCORNEJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think tecnology these days are important because what if there was another terrorist attack the United States could act faster and smarter.Like creating Tanks and all that stuff.Also for people that use the Phone for Internet,Calls,Text,Navigator, or even if your stuck in the Forest you can call for help and they can track you down.
[by the way i text so girls holler at me]
But I think using tecnology the wrong way is bad because bad people like hackers and terrorists can enter Government and poison us with bad stuff.
Those are some reason why I feel like Tecnology is Good and Bad.
Sir Williams Heder The Great.
I think that we do use technology to much.And we should let go before we get over bord!Something that we can do is like go out side and do something or the park.And when we use to much technology like ipods,cell phone,computer's(etc.)Theny can mess up and wont work if we use it too much.
What I will do is put a virus program on my computer. I could use the computer to do my home work.
I think that i won't abuse my psp cause the psp is games,music,and ohter things in the psp.And my cell phone I will never abound it cause a cell phone is for an emergency to my parent and friends.My other technology is my xbox 360 is my valueable to because i play it 1 hour a day and play on xbox live.
-Josh S
I think using technology is geart because you get to call people and text them. I sometimes don't like to use technology because you need to go oustside for some phsical eduction.
BY:Sam D......
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